Permanent Tattoo Removal

When one wants a tattoo done, but later feels that it was a hasty decision, what does one do? Is tattoo removal possible? Is it permanent? Are there side effects? To know more, continue reading.... Tattoos are a permanent mark on the skin as they are inserted into the dermal layer of the skin. Tattoos are done either by professional tattooist or amateurs.. As the ink gets impregnated into the deeper layers of the skin, it cannot be shed off and sticks forever. Slow fading of tattoo ink may happen as our WBCs engulf some of the pigments, making the tattoo get a different hue. What works best to remove an unwanted tattoo the safe way? Laser tattoo removal is the safest and effective method of taking the tattoo off the skin. Q switched Nd: YAG is one of the best lasers to get the tattoo ink erased permanently. How Laser Tattoo Removal Work? Laser beams hit the tattoo ink and disperse the pigments. part of the ink is expelled, while the remaining ink ge...