Hair fall - can we stop it ?

Our hair is our crown jewel. The texture, length, shine & type of hair is important for each individual.Some like straight hair while others like it curly. Some like it long & some like it shoot. None of us like to see our locks go down the drain, literally. So when hair is shed , our confidence a self esteem also takes a toll. In this, we'll just go through the basic reasons forhair loss. They are :
1)Low protein intake, dieting for weight loss
2) Anemia
3) Dandruff
4)Hormonal -Thyroid, PCOS, Androgen induced
5) Genetic
6) Associated skin diseases -Psoriasis, SLE, Lichen Planus, Alopecia Areata, etc
7)Following any illness
8) Stress-physical & mental
9) Psychogenic causes -Trichotillo mania, etc
lo) Hair straightening, curling procedures, etc
Let us leave the difficult ones in the hands of a dermatologist.
Routine Hair Care:
One needs to wash one's hair regularly, at least weekly thrice to remove accumulated dirt, sebum(oiliness), dandruff from the scalp.Use of a mild shampoo just adequate to cleanse is sufficient.Too much shampooing will cause more damage. Use a conditioner post shampooing to protect the hair and to moisturise it. Leave on conditioners can also be used. Very few conditioners can be applied to the scalp. Most are meant for application only on the hair. Use of oil before hair wash helps in remaining dandruff scales, but leaving oil on scalp overnight will cause aggravation of dandruff.
Diet for lustrous hair:

Good protein diet gives good strength and lustre to the hair.Non vegetarian diet provides adequateproteins. Pulses like green gram , chenna, nuts like walnuts, etc can be added to the vegetarian diet to get the needed protein. Green leafy vegetables provide the folate needed.Other micronutrients needed for hair growth is present in all fruits and vegetables. So, having different fruits each day and veggies, with good protein intake gives strong, healthy hair which can be maintained with the routine hair care mentioned above.
In spite of all the care, if hair breaks & falls, there is lots of hair loss, patchy areas of baldness, it is important to meet your dermatologist to have the problem assessed and therapy started at the earliest to save hair from further damage and to promote faster hair growth.
Next article will be on hair growth treatments that give faster & efficient results to bring back the lost LOCKS. Until then, take care of your hair.
-Dr.Annie Flora, Consultant Dermatologist and Hair Transplant Surgeon.
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