Starting my blog as a dermatologist

Happy weekend everyone. All of us know one thing - "Skin is the largest organ of our body". We adorn this skin with beautiful attire, lovely ornaments to add beauty to the already existing beautiful self....
Our skin is our prime jewel. But how we maintain this jewel is what decides how sparkling it will be in the eye of the beholder.
So, in this blog, I'm planning on updating various ways & treatments to make this jewel of each of us worth wearing. 
A lustrous hair and flawless skin is not too much to ask for. I will be giving my inputs for the same. Also, several skin conditions make one lose their self confidence in life. Many of my patients put these words to me - " Doc, Am not able to socialize, coz this skin issue keeps bugging me all the time". Every problem has a solution. In each blog I'll try to provide the time tested treatments and the latest advances for various skin, nail & hair issues. Keep in touch. Please add your inputs and any queries. 
A brief overview of various treatments can be had at 


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