Acne be Gone....

Acne  or pimples as they are commonly called, is nothing but a block in the outlet of the oil secreting glands a.k.a sebaceous glands, going in for bulging of the glands, causing irritation to the surrounding skin, resulting in acne. Acne presents at different stages:

When the oil gland is blocked, it first starts as a comedone, either a white head or black head stage. Some of them then progress to the papule stage. Later when it gets infected, the pustule forms.  

 Comedone stage:

Papular Stage

Pustular Stage:

 Nodulocystic  Stage:

Acne can occur due to

  •   PCOS,
  •   Cushing’s syndrome
  •   Lithium, Cortecosteroid tablets, etc
  •   Cosmetic usage
  •   Steroid cream MISUSE on the  face ( for skin lightening)
  •   Seborrheic Dermatitis
  •   Pre-menstrual flare of acne
When the acne heals, it can normally disappear or leave behind a brown spot, or a scar which can be depressed like a pit, or elevated in case of hypertrophic scar or leave behind red scars.
So, when someone gets an acne or a pimple issue, common things that they do is:
  • Wash face too frequently ( > 3 times per day)
  • Pick their pimples
  • Try home remedies like lime application ( harmful, coz its too strong), garlic paste…

What should be done?
Acne  or pimples is an easily treatable issue. Treatment for acne / pimples consists of
  •  a cure part and 
  • a care part.

Choosing a face wash:

A face wash that has oil control contents can be used. Do not use overdrying face washes for acne, as it gives a fresh feel immediately after washing, but after some time oiliness keeps increasing due to rebound effect. 


For acne prone skin, any sunscreen in the market cannot be used just like regular skin. One will need a non acne forming sunscreen. It has to be non comedogenic and non greasy.

Treatment medications:

Based on the stage of acne, treatment options vary. Usage of retinol, benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, adaplene, etc. are used as initial treatment, but which patient will need which molecule is at the discretion of the dermatologist. Oral antibiotics, oral antioxidants, isotretinoin, hormonal pills to control hormonal acne, etc can also be tried.

Other modalities of treatment:

When prescribed medicines are not working effectively, or when acne recurs as soon as medications are stopped, one can move to these methods of management. Acne is controlled with a wide range of treatment option like:
  • ·         Chemical Peels
  • ·         Lasers
  • ·         Microdermabrasion
  • ·         RF ablation of the comedones

Long term control can be had when these treatments are used as a combination, tailor made according to each patient’s acne problem.

Post Acne Sequelae:

Acne as it heals, it can leave behind post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, depressed scars, hypertrophic scars, keloidal scars.

Sequelae can be managed by:

  • ·         Microdermabrasion
  • ·         Microneedling
  • ·         Chemical Peel for PIH
  • ·         PRP
  • ·         Laser Resurfacing

          The entire spectrum of acne and its associated isssues can now be managed effectively to give the patient a blemish free skin with all the recent advances in the field of aesthetic dermatology. So, stay acne free.... for life.....

Dr. Annie Flora. G,
Cosmetic Dermatologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon,
Apollo Cosmetics, Apollo Spectra Hospitals.



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