Acne Treatment - in simple words

Acne / Pimples is a physiological process of life. Its a phase that almost all of us go through. It has a wide spectrum of skin damage, ranging from mild to severe.
       Acne consists of Microcomedones, Black heads, white heads, small papules, red pimples, big pus & sebum filled cysts, etc. Acne lesions can also occur on the neck, chest, back, etc...
        As acne heals, each spot has a pigmentation or a scar as a reminder. For some, the marks fade away, but majority tend to have it for quite a long time. As for the scars, correcting them is another story..
Acne can also occur due to hormonal reasons, steroid applications on the face, medications induced, or occlusive fairness OTC creams, etc.. a proper history will help in bringing out the cause.
      Coming to acne treatment proper.... When does one need acne treatment?
As one or two pimples pop out on the skin, its time to start taking care.

  1.  A good face wash containing salicylic acid, tea tree oil, glycolic acid, etc will be needed for mild exfoliation & oil control.
  2. A good sunscreen to protect the skin from sun damage & speedy recovery.    
  3.  A night cream to treat your acne will also be needed - it could be retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic creams, azelaic acid, clindamycin, etc.
  4. For inflammatory lesions, an oral antibiotic is also added to counter act the P.acnes which also plays a role in acne aggravation.
  5. For very severe acne lesions, oral Isotretinoin may also be needed.

     Your skin will be assessed in the clinic, to decide the type of skin, the grading of acne done & the treatment then tailor made for each individual to get the desired benefit.. For some, blood investigations may be needed to assess hormonal imbalance, without correcting which acne treatment will not be complete.
The role of Chemical Peels in Acne:
    Chemical Peels are basically in clinic procedures meant to give excellent acne control in a short time. Sessions are done once every 2 weeks till adequate control of acne occurs. Peels are excellent means to control acne which does not respond to the routine conservative methods.. Even a single peel session can give excellent acne control, but for complete results, around 4 - 6 sessions may be needed based on the type of acne.
The role of diet in Acne:
    Adequate water intake is needed for the body to flush away the toxins & to hydrate the skin. Fruits contain vitamins & antioxidants needed for skin recovery.. So, make it a habit to take fruits every day, to refresh the skin. Dietary causes of acne are not proven though several studies have been done for the same.
The role of Sunscreen:
Sunscreen is needed for an acne prone skin for :

  • Protecting sun aggravation of the lesions
  • Care of the skin when treatments are working in reducing acne.
  Acne has to be treated to prevent the long term scars left behind by the acne, thereby ensuring smooth skin that we desire. Earlier the treatment, better are the results.

 For better acne treatment and maintenance, call 9940519139 for an appointment with Dr. Annie Flora.
To get an overview of various aesthetic treatments, please visit Dr. Annie's Skin Care today.


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