Acne be Gone....

Acne or pimples as they are commonly called, is nothing but a block in the outlet of the oil secreting glands a.k.a sebaceous glands, going in for bulging of the glands, causing irritation to the surrounding skin, resulting in acne. Acne presents at different stages: When the oil gland is blocked, it first starts as a comedone, either a white head or black head stage. Some of them then progress to the papule stage. Later when it gets infected, the pustule forms. Comedone stage: Papular Stage Pustular Stage: Nodulocystic Stage: Acne can occur due to PCOS, Cushing’s syndrome Lithium, Cortecosteroid tablets, etc Cosmetic usage Steroid cream MISUSE on the face ( for skin lightening) Seborrheic Dermatitis Pre-menstrual flare of acne When the acne heals, it can normally disappear or leave behind a brown spot, o...